About us

Yvonne’s Helpers Nanny Placement Agency

also known as Yvonne’s Helpers, was founded in 2013 by Yvonne Caves. Driven by her firsthand experience with the challenges families face when seeking reliable nannies, housekeepers, and elderly caregivers, Yvonne created a solution to simplify this process. Her extensive background as an au pair provided her with unique insights into the specific needs of clients when choosing a caregiver.

Yvonne’s Helpers recognizes the growing concerns surrounding domestic staff safety and security. Therefore, we prioritize thorough verification of all candidates. We specialize in sourcing and placing qualified nannies and housekeepers both within South Africa and internationally.

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In addition to our national and international services

Yvonne and Thando are not only experienced professionals in the childcare industry but also mothers. This allows them to approach the crucial task of finding the right childcare with empathy and genuine understanding, appreciating the challenges, difficulties, and potential pitfalls families may encounter.

Yvonne’s Helpers also operates the Gauteng Nanny Network, a domestic services agency exclusively focused on placing nannies, mother’s helpers, and housekeepers within the Gauteng province. Yvonne launched this network in 2017, and Thando Mande joined the team in 2019.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)