

Placement Agency Service Fees

At Yvonne’s Helpers, we strive to provide a transparent and straightforward fee structure.

Placement Fee

The placement service fee is due upon the chosen candidate’s commencement of employment. Our fees are as follows


Full-Time Workers

(5+ days per week): R1300

Part-Time Workers

(3-4 days per week): R850

Part-Time Workers

(1-2 days per week): R550

Interview Fees

A standard interview fee of R60 per candidate is payable in cash directly to the candidate at the time of the interview.

Interview Location

For your convenience, interviews can be conducted at your preferred location, including your home, office, or any other venue easily accessible by public transportation.

Important Information

• Non-Refundable Fee: Please note that our placement fee is non-refundable.
• 12-Month Guarantee: We offer a 12-month guarantee; if you are not satisfied with the placed candidate, we will replace them at no additional cost to you.
• Live-In Overtime: For live-in candidates, no work is permitted after 6:00 PM. Any work required after this time is considered overtime and will be compensated at an additional rate of R30 per hour, based on mutual agreement between the employer and employee.
• Live-In Meals: Employers are expected to provide three meals per day for live-in candidates. If providing meals is not feasible, for example, due to cultural differences, an additional R500 will be added to the candidate’s salary to cover their food costs, allowing them to purchase their own meals.

International Placements

For international placements, the following fees apply:


Interview Fee

$150 USD for a maximum of 5 candidates.

Placement Fee

10% of the candidate's annual salary.
50% of this fee is payable before placement.

Part-Time Workers

(1-2 days per week): R550

Additional Costs: Visa and flight ticket costs are the responsibility of the hiring client

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)